Data Deletion Request

Thank you for choosing Şarkı Evreni. At Tubazy LLC, the security and privacy of your data are of paramount importance to us. Therefore, we have created a dedicated page to make it easy for our users to request the deletion of their data.

Steps for Data Deletion Request:
  1. Access the Google Play Store: Şarkı Evreni
  2. Select the application listed under "Tubazy LLC" or "Şarkı Evreni" on the store entry screen.
  3. Within the application, click on the three-dot icon located in the upper right corner.
  4. Choose the option "Clear Search History" from the menu that appears.
  5. By following these steps, you can request the deletion of your search history stored on your device.
Data Types and Retention Periods:

Şarkı Evreni application only records your search history on your device. This data is permanently deleted the moment you, as the user, choose to delete it. There is no additional retention period.

Note: If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at

Best regards,
Tubazy LLC Team